
Monday, July 6, 2020

Alter Ego: Rain

The Polished Gamers box is inspired by the Mortal Kombat game and launches July 15th, 2020 at 12pm MT at

I have one of the polishes to share with you today from Alter Ego!

I would describe this polish as an antiqued gold metallic with purple flake. The formula was easy to apply, and I noticed that it is heavily pigmented allowing some flakes to peek out like a metallic shimmery jelly! I mentioned this to Cynthia and she said it is the nature of the colorant and that she would see if she could tweak it slightly to allow more flake to peek out.

I think it is edgy and pretty as is, what do ya'll think?

xoxoJen's swatch of Alter Ego: Rain
xoxoJen's swatch of Alter Ego: Rain
xoxoJen's swatch of Alter Ego: Rain

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  1. Oooh, that is an interesting combination of base and flake colors ... I might have to track this down when it releases.

  2. Thank you for your thorough review! Your mani and photos are exceptional!

  3. Different and cool, love it :-D


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