
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Atomic Polish & Nailart

I was given the opportunity to review a new to me brand that just launched on February 28. All the colors you see here and more are available at the Atomic Polish shop.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic Polish

Pd (Palladium)
a teal creme nail polish.

Not just any teal cream though, this one is buttery and easy to apply. 2 coats shown with topcoat.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic Pd (Palladium)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic Pd (Palladium)

Stamped with AU (Gold)

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic Pd (Palladium)

AU (Gold)
a clear base filled with metallic gold micro flakes.

What a vibrant and sparkly polish, it stamps really well too. Shown is one coat polished and the second coat sponged on to avoid a stroked finish.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AU (Gold)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AU (Gold)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AU (Gold)

C (Carbon) G
a deep glossy black creme nail polish.

Like the teal, buttery and easy to apply. Shown is one coat with no topcoat.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic C (Carbon) G
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic C (Carbon) G

Stamped with AG (Silver)

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic C (Carbon) G

AG (Silver)
a clear base filled with metallic silver micro flakes

Super shiny and shimmery. Two coats with topcoat shown.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AG (Silver)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AG (Silver)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic AG (Silver)

Palladium, Carbon, and Silver watermarbled over Silver. The spread is small for the two creams, but they still work well for this!

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic watermarble nailart

O (Oxygen)
a true red creme nail polish.

Shown is two coats with topcoat - definitely a true red, formula a dream to apply.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic O (Oxygen)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic O (Oxygen)

Oxygen topped with one coat of Platinum

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic O (Oxygen)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic O (Oxygen)
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic O (Oxygen)

PT (Platinum) S
a clear based topper full of holographic flakes and powder for a scattered effect.

Looks great on its own! Shown is two coats with topcoat.

xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic PT (Platinum) S
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic PT (Platinum) S
xoxoJen's swatch of Atomic PT (Platinum) S

Overall, I'm very pleased with the product. It was well packaged for shipping and arrived fairly quick after our communication. I noticed the shop is having a 10% off sale when I visited today.
Will you be trying Atomic soon?

Connect with me on facebook and instagram!

1 comment

  1. I love your water marbling. That's a really black black! I like many of these colors, going over to check out the other colors available.


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