
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Valentine Watermarble with Girly Bits and Pretty Serious

I was so smitten by the Girgly Bits Fall collection, that I went back to the shop and purchased every cream Pam had for sale. I'm happy to report that Hoosier Daddy and Lover's Coral both watermarble just as well as those fall shades!

xoxoJen's swatch of Watermarble with Girly Bits
xoxoJen's swatch of Watermarble with Girly Bits
xoxoJen's swatch of Watermarble with Girly Bits

I also used Pretty Serious Presence, which is a fantastic addition for watermarbling similar shades. What will you wear on your nails for Valentine's Day?

Shop for Girly Bits and Pretty Serious to get your hands on all three!

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