
Friday, March 10, 2017

Road to Polish Con: Week 14

xoxoJen - Official Polish Con Blogger
Unable to attend Polish Con NYC 2017?
Never fear! The creators and vendors of the event got together and are creating polishes available for sale to everyone before the Con! How cool is that? The releases are done weekly on Sundays at 8am Central and run through the following Saturday.

Sunday's launch features week 14 polishes from Blush and Fleur de Lis

Blush Wonder Wheel
Wonder Wheel is a sky blue polish with pinkish-purple micro flakies, small gold flakies and holo flakies. This polish was inspired by the ride of the same name at Coney Island. I wore two coats with topcoat. This was a little on the thick side, I added some thinner to get to my preferred consistency.

xoxoJen's swatch of Blush Wonder Wheel
xoxoJen's swatch of Blush Wonder Wheel
xoxoJen's swatch of Blush Wonder Wheel

Fleur de Lis Party at Prospect Park
A super sparkly lilac filled with holo, iridescent, and metallic shimmers and glitters. Such a stunner! I wore two coats and topcoat. Applied evenly, no dragging or streaking.

xoxoJen's swatch of Fleur de Lis Party at Prospect Park
xoxoJen's swatch of Fleur de Lis Party at Prospect Park
xoxoJen's swatch of Fleur de Lis Party at Prospect Park

I hope you've enjoyed the review and photos - grab yours Sunday morning after 8am Central over at - don't delay, they'll be pulled down on Saturday night!

Recap of previous weeks:
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
xoxoJen's swatches of Road to Polish Con NYC


If you've enjoyed my blog, please leave a comment to let me know!