
Monday, January 20, 2014

Nire's Desire: Revel and Anam Cara

Debbie from The Crumpet blog posted a swatch of Revel to her facebook page and I bought it so fast that the Road Runner would have missed it! Revel was so stonking gorgeous, that I had to have my own bottle!

I had not heard of Nire's Desire polishes before Debbie blogged them, so I was excited to try a new brand and even more excited when Erin offered to send another polish to me for review.
Random: I also just now realized that Erin's name is spelled backward for her brand - Nire's. How neat!

Revel is a grape juice colored one coat holographic polish. Yes, its a one coater folks! I must admit I do apply polish in fairly thick coats, so if you use thin coats it might take two coats. The formula is fluid and very easy to apply. During application the polish stays wet enough that you can paint the whole nail then go down the middle again to even it out. I had very little clean up and that makes for a happy Jen! I like the square bottle and vinyl labels too. The front has the brand name and the back label shows the color name. Beautiful polish, excellent formula, and pretty packaging - what more could a gal want?

Then there was Anam Cara, oh how I love thee! Anam Cara was provided for review and sent along with my Revel order. Its a blue leaning medium purple, nearly a periwinkle color with green shimmer in it that shifts to hot pink under lower lighting. The formula and application are stellar, just like Revel's. I shot this photo series with CFL bulbs which seem to have washed out the beautiful shimmer somewhat, but you can see it glowing wildly in the bottle. Its like that on the nail too!

Did you know that Anam Cara is an Irish term roughly translated "Soul Friend" - sort of like a soul mate but a friend. So, Erin made this one for her best friend who just moved away. The purple speaks of passion, love and happiness while the green gives it a Celtic flair. Do you have that special someone that you always feel close to, no matter how far apart you are?

If you like what you see here, have a look in her shop. Nire's Desire is definitely on my 'must have all the polish' list! You should also stalk follow Nire's Desire's facebook page so you can keep up with new releases and other news from the brand!


  1. Replies
    1. Erin does awesome work yeah? She's sending a few more my way soonish!

  2. both so gorgeous - i freaked out over Revel too! these would make a fun combo for some nail art too - hint hint!

    1. :D Oh yes, they certainly would!! Thank you for the nudge Missy! Your nail art will be my inspiration!

  3. Anam Cara!!!!!!! I haven't even actually looked at the polishes or finished reading your post, but being part Irish, I have an Anam Cara ring and I am floored to see that anyone outside Ireland knows what it is!!! I'll be checking this brand out - as soon as I go back and read your post. LOL!

  4. And her name is ERIN! And these are both just gorgeous.


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