
Monday, September 23, 2013

Four Day Weekend!

For me, that is! I celebrated my birthday on Thursday September 19th in part by taking a mini vacation from work and online things. I did however; have a special birthday mani that I wore for the whole week last week!
I chose to use Nerd Lacquer Götterdämmerung and Lynderella Bibbity Bobbity Boo Blue, a glitter topper for the accent nail. They're both combinations of my very favorite color, purple, and my birthstone, a sapphire!

The Nerd Lacquer is a dark purple that leans blue and has blue hexes and blue shimmer in it that can be seen near the middle of the nail when the light hits it. The shimmer gives the polish a sort of shifting effect that's absolutely beautiful. Everyone needs this polish, amirite?!

The Lynnderella is one of the older originals in the fat round bottle. It has a mixture of varying shades of blue glitter and purple glitter in a sort of smokey blue jelly base. Though its not holo, the glitter twinkles in the sun! I felt quite lucky to have found this polish, as it seems pretty rare. How could I not wear it for my birthday?

I hope you've enjoyed my quick post today, have a great week!


  1. Happy belated birthday, Jen! This mani is sooo gorgeous, and perfect for the birthday girl! <3


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