
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Soapbox Co. Exclusive from Urban Lacquer: Quantum Foam

I recently received an exclusive polish from Urban Lacquer to swatch and review for one of her vendors, The Soapbox Company. The press release is in the quotebox, and my thoughts after the photos. :)

Quantum Foam, a Soapbox Company exclusive, is an unworldly, soft green linear holo polish, which will make your tips glow! Full opacity is achieved in 2 coats, and looks fabulous alone, or with a glitter topper. Experience luminescent nails with this limited edition polish!

"Empty space—that is, space that contains nothing—no energy, no charge, no matter, nothing—is filled with a writhing, active population of virtual particles that physicists call “the quantum foam,” with bubbles appearing and popping in wild abandon. At the subatomic level, space is never truly empty." -- Don Lincoln, Quantum Foam, Virtual Particles, and Other Curiosities

A very pretty medium shade of green, Quantum Foam, sparkles like a glittery rainbow in the sun! The shade is cool leaning but then there's that warm rainbowy goodness - great for any skin tone! As with all Urban Lacquer polishes that I've used, this one was also super easy to apply. The holo particles in this polish are linear which means you can see a stripe or line of each color of the rainbow right on your nail! Now if only I could find that pot of gold at the end of it! Take a look!

These photos were taken under indoor lighting, which says a lot for the holo in this polish. If you've ever tried to see holo indoors, you know what I'm talking about. :)
In the sunlight (as mentioned above) it is more vibrant, but sunlit photos are not an option for me since I shoot in the evening after work.

Quantum Foam will be available only at The Soapbox Company beginning August 1 at 12:00pm.

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  1. Covering all my bases...or your posts (wink)
    This is a beautiful green - not too light, not too dark ☼ Lovely swatch & congrats to UL & all of her success! You guys make a formidable producer/swatcher combo ☼

    1. Thank you so much Becacine! :D
      How on earth do you find them all? You really impress me with that! I must know your secret!!

  2. Love, love, LOVE! <3 You're making me bounce in my seat waiting for this to be released!

    1. :D You sure know how to make a gal grin! I feel that my job is done here. :D


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