
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sparkles by Julie: Coco Sugah!

So, I've been on a Panda pinning spree over at Pinterest. I just love pandas, its my dream to get to see one in person someday. :) -wistful sigh while daydreaming-

Hm? Oh yes! I have some special swatches for you today from Sparkles by Julie. She sent two free polishes of my choosing and since Water Lily is very popular, I picked two others. :P

First is Coco, a rich brown shimmer base packed with gold and holo glitters.

The polish was mostly opaque in one coat, but I used two for this photo. It has such depth and just look at that chocolicious shimmah in there! What could be better than this?

Oh! Perhaps a few Sugah! "marshmallows" to top off my Coco?

Sugah! is a white glitter polish just packed full of dazzling iridescent and holo sparkles of different sizes. Just look at all the green reflections from the glitter. Its like a magical fairy fire to roast the marshmallows on before topping my mug of hot cocoa!

For an entirely different look, I tried Sugah! on top of Alphubel from Elevation Polish and I love how it turned out!

A bit of wintery Norwegian "snow" to go with my hot "coco"! And see those same iridescent and holo sparkles? They're reflecting turquoise and purple now!

Here's a bit of a closer look with some blurring to help show off the coloring of the tiny glitters.

My favorite of the two is Sugah! Its so flexible - the possibilities are endless with it - over red it could be candy canes or perhaps a lace doily under a red heart for Valentines. You could totally do red and blue stripes for July 4th and layer this over the top to add the white and the "fireworks". How about navy blue for a starry night effect? Over black for a spooky bones Halloween effect? The possibilities are endless with this one!

You can get yours at the Sparkles by Julie Etsy shop. Right now she is running a daily special for one polish at 50% off, so check for those!


  1. I really love this! All of the colors ate stunning!

  2. I love both. Sugah really works over coco. Stunning. I will have to check out her shop!

    1. Thank you! She is running the special today on Lost in Space, its gorgeous!


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