
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Foil Method

Tough Glitter polish on your nails? Never fear, the foil method is here! Your glitter will slide off like butter with this method.

You'll need small squares of felt, cotton pads or an unrolled cotton ball cut in small squares, foil cut into strips to fit your fingertips or the pre-made foil/cotton wraps and a bottle of pure acetone remover. I like to decant into a pump, it's less risky of spilling!
I've made a photo tutorial so there are some visuals for this article, please comment if you have questions!

If you have cuticle oil/lotion/balm etc, now's the time to slather that on.

Soak the lil pads in acetone and apply to nail.

Cover/wrap with foil and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes (time depends on what you're removing). Check one nail to see if it's ready to remove. If not, I check about every minute or so after that and sometimes I add more acetone if it seems like it's drying out. You'll know its ready because the polish and all the glitter will slide off like butter.

Apply a little pressure against the nail while sliding the foil and felt/cotton off and tada! Most if not all the glitter should be gone. There might be a few pieces left on the nail but they're super easy to remove at this point with a new cotton pad/acetone.

For another awesome way to make removing polish easier, read about Yellow Stopper!

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