
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Haus of Gloi Autumn Review and Haul

Before I started sniffing, I was a little disappointed. The three perfume samplers were supposed to come in muslin bags with skulls on them. I have a nephew and two nieces and I had planned on giving their weenie treats in those bags.
UPDATE: I contacted Haus of Gloi and they sent along the muslin bags in my next order! :D

That said, upon sniffing each perfume I didn't find any of those "omg must have more of it right now" scents like I did with spring and summer. I like several pretty well, but not enough to order more in other products/full sizes. I almost didn't post this review because of how I felt about the release, but I guess there is a first time for everything.

Perfume sampler pack #1
Pumpkin Queen (and soap) - Gentle hay pillows, pumpkin, ripe peaches dusted with clove and nutmeg, dried summer herbs, and lastly, a lovely crown of amber.
--Very warm and almost earthy - must be the hay or herbs but it also smells a little smokey/bonfire-like to me. I get the pumpkin, peach, clove and then the amber is laying beneath it all. Drydown is very smokey on me. I'm not a fan of smokey, but my tastes are warming up a little so I may like it more next year. :)

Saft Ernte - A merry drink of harvest and glowing with warmth: Peach juice simmering with sweet spices, pumpkin, silken hazelnut cream and made completely curious with a drop of orange blossom water.
--definitely picking up the peach, just like the one used in peach mama. I get the hazelnut and pumpkin, but I don't smell the floral. Its very sweet and candy like. Drydown is mostly peach, but its an almost caramelized peach! I think this would be good in any product if you're a peach fan.

Samhain (and soap) - Freshly turned earth, wet leaves, and a cool herb laden wind carrying spectres and spooks!
--reminds me of aveda rosemary mint shampoo with a dirt note. Very interesting, I think it might be great as a late night/cool winter weather scrub, but I wouldn't personally wear this scent as perfume. It is quite strong!

Hex - You've been bewitched! Brackish amber, aged vanilla bean and three dark fruits, veiled in darkness and otherworldly secrecy.
--I love how this smells, its quite sweet but the amber definitely comes through. The drydown is soft and almost clean/soapy smelling. Too bad this doesn't come in an other products, I'd be all over that!

Red Roan - Fresh strawberry flecked porridge with maple syrup and adulterated with a splash of white cognac.
--totally smells like sweetened condensed milk to me. Very yummy, very very sweet! The drydown has softened up on the sweetness, but the scent is still very similar to initial application just not quite as strong.

Perfume sampler pack #2
Pixie Sorcerer -They look cute, but beware! Deceptive pomegranate candy floss, beneath that a spiteful blend of coffee co2, vetiver and myrrh.
--I get the sweetness up front, but after I've worn the scent for about 30 minutes I get peanut butter. I am beginning to think that is the Vetiver. Its a scent note that I'm not too familiar with, but a lot of folks do not like it at all. I need to dig out some bpals with vetiver and see if they turn like this on me.

Pumpkin Eater -Cream, glowing pumpkin, rich vanilla bean and the tiniest touch of nutmeg butter.
--this smells like peaches to me when first applied and then turns to straight up cinnamon. My chemistry amps any kind of cinnamon, so I usually avoid those. I had high hopes for this one, but I guess any teensy amount of cinnamon just won't work for me.

Ghost Puffs - Buttery popcorn and marshmallow goo orbs, presented on a wooden stick.
--Smells great, I get a very buttery vanilla note on bottle sniff, no marshmallow. When I wear it, the scent fades after less than an hour to that candle waxy scent that my chemistry changes vanillas to. pewps.

Olde Cider Haus - Old oak, sweet drying hay fields, crushed apple pulp and vanilla bean husks.
--I get a bright green, tart apple here with an almost powdery dry down. I like apple ok, but if it was my favorite scent note I think I'd have to have more of this. Its definitely unique from other apple scents. I'm actually digging this well enough to want to wear it to work sometime. yes, the more I smell this the more I like it. I think the complexity of this apple scent is what I am liking. Bonus is there's no cinnamon in this!

Perfume sampler pack #3
Hedonic - Black fig, golden honey, saffron threads and Indian agar musk.
--Smells a bit smokey on me and I'm getting the dreaded pee scent from the honey. drats.

Ceremony - Dusty beeswax candles, frankincense, myrrh, mastic, spikenard, pale honey, a pinch of tobacco and faded musk.
-- wet on the skin this smells like peanut butter to me. There is something bright and clean as a top note, but I cannot help smelling the peanut butter predominately. ok, peanut butter is gone now after about 2 minutes, its turning into something nice. I get a kind of minty scent, I can smell the musk and I am not familiar enough with the other notes to recognize them in a fragrance, but this is turning out to be really nice! I must say I am very pleasantly surprised! Which is why I always skin test oils when I'm reviewing! Never know what they might turn out to be! It smells like silky chocolate and mint now. Really loving this! Wow! Wish it was in pumpkin butter, I think I'd be ordering it.

Queen Mother I - Last years Pumpkin Queen oil with 5 year aged patchouli, jasmine essence and the blackest vetiver, co-distilled with honeysuckle blossom.
--Straight up pumpkin. I don't smell any single notes in this really, it smells just like an unspiced sweet pumpkin with a little bit of richness from the patchouli. This is definitely similar in concept to the peach mama, where patch really brings forth a juicyness. I really like this quite a bit.

Full 5ml bottle of perfume oil:
Queen Mother - reviewed above

Candy Corn - Very sweet and buttery smelling. Its not a dupe of the real thing, but its a nice scent. I am somehow getting a cinnamon note in this. Unfortunately, the vanilla in this one turns to candle wax on me and the cinnamon is amped up like woah. no likey =/

Peaches and Cream Gumball - very peachy, very creamy, totally dessert like! I LOVE this! omg I might take a bite of my arm! Its that wonderful! Wish this was a pumpkin butter and bubbling scrub!

Blood Orange Marshmallow - I am getting a children's bayer aspirin scent in the bottle. I thought this would be my pick of the whole bunch, but actually its second to last. It smells the same wet on the skin. After drydown, all I smell is marshmallow. =/

It may just be my perception, but I really feel like Haus took a different direction with the release than other seasonals. Tons of perfume oils, very few available in other products. It kind of surprised me and isn't the typical kind of release I've come to depend on from Haus. Perhaps it was time to change things up and be spontaneous! It just didn't fair in my favor this time. I still love you Haus, you're amazing in every way, and you're still my number one etailer for bath and body. I look forward to the Winter release and the early year reveries/valentines, which I totally missed out on this year.


  1. Wow, I have not heard of this company but I am very intrigued now! A lot of the scents you picked sounded like ones I would love. The scent combos look so unique too.


  2. Haus is my very favorite online etailer for bath and body products. Their Pumpkin Butter is my holy grail moisturizer for all year long. She releases seasonal scents and then also has some in a section called Reverie which are her "on a whim" creations which are generally not restocked once sold. Then she has the general catalog, which are scents that are always stocked/restocked when depleted.

    Their customer service is beyond anything I would ever expect, they never cease to amaze me. :)
    They offer a lot of sample sizes and first class shipping if its under a pound. I have several reviews posted here, if you would like to check those out too.

    You should definitely give them a try!


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